Thursday, 28 April 2011

getting plastered.

first casting

hot vynal

first ceramic trial of screen printed image; using crank clay, porcelin slip & red pigment

second casting : plaster

first male casting; plaster.   

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

starting point

paper mache collage; first mock up of ideas.


Well i have not been on for a while peeps ; this is because not only have i been studing & also to the open evening @ the new Turner Contempary in Margate, I have also been trainning for my motorbike Direct Access; going from my little learners 125 c.g to a larger bike; 600 js Yamaha; This is to be able commute to Uni.
Well i'm pleased to say i am half way there, having passed Module 1 - However i did have a bit of a learning curve & came off the bike exiting a duel carrageway I miss judged both bend & speed which effected no one but myself & saddly the lovely yellow Yam. loaned ; Thankfully not to bad an accident ; hence delays with art works & updating on Blog.  : )

Thursday, 7 April 2011

This is all very new  to me , & a work in progress uploading things with any clarity ; but hopefully this blog space should develop into an on going online portfoloio of work : )
A whole new & artstic  journey via cyber space.